1. Okay! So first I stumbled across your blog somehow from googling pictures of loc styles (I’ve been locd for 3 years now) and then I see a picture of your gorgeous sister locs and your beautiful face! And so here we are.. Second, I love your blog and I’ve read several of these posts last hour or so when I really should be asleep but I’m so intrigued. They’re all so great but this one I had to comment on! Thank you for your honesty, transparency and openness. As a wife of 9 years with 3 small children’s this was something I needed to hear. These are all useful tips and so relevant to any long term relationship. For me some great take always were “Loving the men as they are, choosing to be happy and content, and focusing on his endearing qualities.” The making out like teenagers was my very favorite part and I’m sure my husband won’t mind this reminder so much either! *wink

      1. You’re totally okay!! Thanks for your response. I smiled from ear to ear just now!! I’m going to IG to follow you! Be blessed Sis 🙂🙂🙂

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