I protest because everything I am and everything I have is a byproduct of those who rocked the boat before me. From the God I serve who sent his only son to fearlessly teach and love until it got him killed. To the 1960’s civil rights activists who were murdered and maimed fighting for equality and freedom. People are being persecuted. People are living in fear. People’s narratives are being dismissed or erased. Group are choosing to establish far-reaching policy based on willful ignorance, lies and hate in order to retain, maintain and/or gain.
For those who did not march today for self-care. I respect your decision. There are many people who face oppression daily, who are born into it, and who are constantly vocal and active in fighting it, even when shunned and dismissed. It is not about a singular show but a daily walk.
For those who march for themselves or others facing the threat of rancor and discrimination for the first time, you rock. But I hope your passion and your activism does not end here. Remember that silence is violence and that inaction is action. Continue to find ways to be a force of positive change in your communities and educate yourself about the issues.
Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.
Haile Selassie