Interstellar by Laura Racero (thanks Tumblr)
The current time is 12:02 AM PST; I just left the 8:00 PM IMAX showing of Interstellar. It was super awesome.
It was super-duper awesome.
And without giving anything of substance away from the film, here is my no-spoilers review:
It hit me like a high-level spiritual epiphany, why the “SYFY” channel now sucks, the fallacy of dropping out of A.P. Physics my senior year of high school, and why Matthew McConaughey is an employed award-winning actor (a mystery that required solving for my own sanity). Interstellar brought that human component back to science fiction, that thing that made you love the stories, that enabled you to see yourself in the improbable situation of the protagonist and live it alongside them. A really great science fiction story is not meant to be consumed like a really terrible film about robots nearly destroying the world again and again, but experienced like those precious moments when you first read (Frank) Herbert or (Ray) Bradbury. Great science fiction should launch curiosity and in some cases a passion for the sciences that could lead real discovery and invention.
Interstellar was like the best book I never read as an awkward boyfriend-less teenager with strict Caribbean parents. Back when my entire life was centered around passing my honors classes, watching historical documentaries, reading science fiction novels, and renting 5 old movies for $5 for 5 days at a sketch non-chain video store.
Whoever wrote interstellar needs to be my best friend, we need to frolic in each other’s mind, record the interaction and give each other high fives!
I need a secret fifth dimensional bookcase to my senior year of high school self to say: “hey girl, I know A.P. physics is hard as hell, and you are tired because you are working 30 hours a week at the Dairy Queen to help pay for college, but stay in that sh*t because you have a passion for it and unnatural understanding of the abstract sciences”.
In conclusion, Interstellar rocked my socks, and for those that may not enjoy the film, it will undoubtedly spark an entertaining dialogue (or battle of words) with friends about (the interpretation of) its contents.
(Shout-out to my P3 gang who showed up nearly 10 deep to watch it as a group mid-workweek)