I don’t know if it is because he maybe our last or because he’s my baby boy but, sometimes I hold our son and my heart feels as if it may explode. I remember having moments like these with Piglet, they happen less lately because toddler rage leaves few moments for nostalgia and reflection. But I remember being overwhelmed by her existence like I am with Jr.
I hold him and I see an amazing miracle from God that we were not trying for and I was filled with anxiety about. But he’s here and he is beyond anything I could have imagined for us… for me. Ever feel as though you maybe too in love, a different more intense kind of love from that which exists with your partner?

Oh wow!! I really thought I was the only mother who felt this way. I know exactly what you mean. My son will be three and I thought I would stop being amazed by simply watching him sleep but it never changed. It’s almost like having an out of body experience to watch him be and know that he lived and breathed inside of me. It’s truly overwhelming. Soo in love…
I know what you mean Benaja!
Yes. I can totally relate. Sometimes I love them so much that its uncomfortable for me. The feeling of attachment is so strong. Sometimes, it goes as far as for me to wish I had never had them because what if something happens to them. How could I ever continue living? Maybe I wont like them as much when they turn teenagers 🙂
K. it is so intense to imagine the bad that could happen. Too intense!
Oh wow!! I really thought I was the only mother who felt this way. I know exactly what you mean. My son will be three and I thought I would stop being amazed by simply watching him sleep but it never changed. It’s almost like having an out of body experience to watch him be and know that he lived and breathed inside of me. It’s truly overwhelming. Soo in love…
I know what you mean Benaja!
Yes. I can totally relate. Sometimes I love them so much that its uncomfortable for me. The feeling of attachment is so strong. Sometimes, it goes as far as for me to wish I had never had them because what if something happens to them. How could I ever continue living? Maybe I wont like them as much when they turn teenagers 🙂
K. it is so intense to imagine the bad that could happen. Too intense!