Why aren’t you watching The Walking Dead? Let me ask again, why aren’t you watching The Walking Dead! If you’re a TV watcher, heck if you’re a consumer of awesome media in any form — books or radio, your ass (forgive my language) should be watching The Walking Dead!
Based on the comic book series by the same name, The Walking Dead (TWD) is at the highest tiers of quality TV or film for that matter. When you experience (you can’t just watch) an episode, you live it. TWD doesn’t feel manufactured; it doesn’t seem like actors surviving in a faux post-apocalyptic reality. The writing is pure, the delivery is authentic and the acting is superb.

Sometime in the past, maybe during season 3, my love for the show was etched into the finest of stone. TWD is a show that can be enjoyed by Sci-fi aficionados, those whose tastes may have been refined by reading Frank Herbert’s Dune or watching BattleStar Galactica (2.0), and casual observers who might enjoy the Hunger Games series and an occasional episode of Orphan Black. But The Walking Dead is epic television happening RIGHT NOW, so if your not watching, you maybe literally missing out on participating in history.
The show’s consistent praises from both the populous and the professional TV/Film industry, as well as its massive and growing audience is only some evidence of why TWD is great television. It’s a show that isn’t afraid of diversity, from ethnicity to identity, it’s a show with characters anybody could relate to!

Zombies freak me out to my core and I too turn my nose up at gore for gore’s sake. You abhor gore – you avoid scary shows! Again, I do too, but in stark and overwhelming contrast: I love the well written characters, am a sucker for precise story-lines that aren’t afraid to evolve, and I am willing to pay money (per episode to Amazon.com) for clear, authentic, and often unpredictable writing. Somehow an entire show built on the premise of the world being destroyed by a zombie virus became so much more. Instead, it matured into a thoughtful analysis of what it is to lead, to survive, to endure, to love, to be loved, and ultimately to be human and not the walking dead.
One bored summer I started Season1/Episode1 of The Walking Dead to fill a void left by my inability to decide on a good book to read, four years later I await each episode with anticipation, watch each episode with a buzz of exhilaration, and leave each episode with a sense of awe and an unquenched thirst for more. That, in a nutshell, is The Walking Dead and you should partake in it!