Where have you come from and where are you going?

There is arguably no better time than at the end of one year, and at the precipice of a new year, season and decade to ask yourself a seemingly simple question that can be as abundantly complex as life itself:

Where have you come from and where are you going?
-Christine Suh
Where I’ve Come From
In the last decade, I started my career, became a mother, married my college sweetheart, had a second child, moved across the country, found my faith 10x over and journeyed through countless challenges.
Through it all, I consistently allowed myself space and time to wrap my mind around who I was, am and will be. I took numerous critical and forgiving looks back to better equip myself to move forward.

And recently, I carved out even more time to rest, reflect, and recharge. To enter a space for women (of color) and by women (of color). A space to be vulnerable and reflective and my whole entire self.
Where I’m Going
I have no idea.
I feel a simmering of something. I see a hint of something, but for the most part, and if this last decade is any indication, I could only narrowly guess where I am going. But what I can speak to, is how I hope to get there.

I hope to get there with intentionality and while owning my elegance, making space for faith and love and trying my best to be the best and a better version of the Christian, wife, mother, friend, daughter, worker and leader then I was the day before.

So, if nothing else this new year, take a few minutes with yourself and ask your self: Where have I come from and where am I going?