I am @RaisingSelf on most platforms. When I started this online journey, I was RaisingChild/RaisingSelf, and it was a nod to the reality that I wasn’t just raising children; I was raising myself as well. I am a woman going through a journey of learning and unlearning, growing, teaching, and becoming my best self. Having a new baby is a reminder of this ongoing journey and that as we help tiny humans grow and learn, we are doing the same as well. Motherhood is not the end of self.

My littlest boy is two months old this week. I’m still reacclimatizing to my postpartum body and life. Having another child is wild after so many years since having a newborn. I feel both young and ancient. Confident and uncertain. Energized and exhausted. (If that makes any sense?!) We are still struggling to balance the needs of 3 very different children and give them the support and attention they each need. A newborn kind of puts you in survival mode. The husband & I are also trying to relearn each other in this new stage. What do intimacy, love languages, self-care, and alone time look like now!? We added a whole human to the world, and that ish is beautiful and complex!