Dudes, do right by her on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is THIS freaking weekend, I ain’t ready. Besides being a mother, I am blessed to have both my mother and mother-in-law and I have no idea what I am going to send them via Amazon two-day delivery. Being that I am the furthest away from my mother figures, I kind of get away with sending whatever we can via mail and making the obligatory Mother’s Day morning phone call.
My husband, on the other hand, is taking Mother’s Day very seriously. Honestly, he takes all the holidays and birthdays that mean doing something special just for me super seriously. He aims to please. He’s deflated if he doesn’t. Dude puts a ton of pressure on himself during Mother’s Day (my birthday, Valentine’s Day, etc). I type this from our Mother’s Day weekend retreat after spending the day at my favorite museum and soon, I will be getting all dressed up for dinner at some French restaurant.
In lieu of some obligatory blogger gift guide that I don’t agree with most of the time, I want to make a few recommendations on how to do right by your wife on Mother’s day.
Consider her love language
If your love has not taken a love language quiz, think long and hard about her personality and the things that she likes, and voila, you may glean some great insights about her love language, which is one or some combination of those listed below:
- Words of affirmation – Write something on a card, record some sappy heart felt ish and play it for her.
- Acts of service – detail her car, clean the house, or take something off her plate for a week or two
- Gifts – she may love jewels, she may love shoes, she may love food, buy it for her
- Quality time – make time to just chat, maybe plan a weekend retreat, go on a date, or watch a movie together
- Physical touch – public displays of affection, give her a massage, hold her hand just because, or love that body all night long
Maybe she is some combination of above. I am an acts of service kind of girl, so driving me to my favorite museum, obliging all my picture requests, and cleaning the house makes my heart burst and sing with pleasure.
If you don’t know, don’t guess
If you don’t know, don’t take a wild guess. Ask someone close to her and next year start sleuthing a few weeks or months in advance if she doesn’t have a friend or family circle you can interrogate for ideas.
Give her options
Plan two or three thoughtful gifts or excursions, present them to her as options or plan something with her on the day off over a lovely breakfast and do it. Some wives would love this kind of thing, others would not, so consider Bae’s personality and act accordingly. If this is your wife’s cup of tea, she might find it exciting and endearing

At the end of the day, there is not a cookie cutter way to show the mother of your progeny you appreciate her. Maybe it is a trip to a museum, maybe it is flowers, maybe it is cleaning the bathroom, maybe it is a fancy piece of jewelry, and maybe it is a heartfelt I love you and a love song you wrote just for her. Know her, go deeper, and show her you love her by honoring her authentic self.
Photo courtesy of Mom Crush Monday