Tomi Adeyemi is about to upgrade Young Adult and Fantasy Lit with Children of Blood and Bone

Children of Blood and Bone is going to be a bestseller. In this story you will find pain, you will find fear, you will find oppression, and you will indeed find death. But you will also find community, you will find love, you will find power, you will find simple and powerful truths running through the veins of anyone who dared to journey and live another day after the dust settles. 

2018 Science Fiction, New Adult and Romance Reading

I again read 10 books in January. I had the flu for two weeks and lost my self to a world of faeries, a genre I had not read before. Caught up on the Red Rising Saga, which could arguably rank amongst the best science fiction of my generation and read two new releases and one advanced copy of a book to be released later this year.