I have this epic girlfriend, she served our country, worked on her Ph.D. with two small children and a husband actively deployed in the service of our country. It’s good to have women in your life that challenge and encourages you to raise your own personal bar. This woman has done just this for me, she has so much love and drive and passion flowing through her veins that it’s contagious and I am thankful for her friendship.
I have this epic girlfriend whose spirit oozes guidance and grace. She is love, she is kind. She has been there for me when I was at the very mountain top of despair. I can share with her my darkness and my pain and I am swimming in her prayers.
I have this epic girlfriend. We worked together for a few years and came to know her struggles and her triumphs. She would come into my office and shower me with support. I would sit at her desk and learn what it truly means to be a strong wife in the face of illness and uncertainty. I was blessed by her candor.

I have this epic girlfriend. She has walked the streets at night, armed with the word of God, searching for women of ill repute, helping them to be restored and see their true value. She has supported women who have experienced unimaginable levels of abuse and pain. She is a leader. She is a wife. She is a mother. She is armed with passion and intelligence and shows us all how to wield the sword of the spirit.
I have this epic girlfriend and she is crazy and brave. She is a rock of strength. She will always tell me the truth. She is a sister and an overcomer of hardship. She shows me how to make lemonade out of lemons.
I have this epic girlfriend, so smart and so beautiful that I am in awe of her. And I hurt because she hurts. I walk with her from afar as she heals from loss. I pray for her from afar as she transitions from wife to widow. I learn from her as she leans on our Creator. I am happy to just wait for her to call me if and when she needs me so I can be the friend that she has always been to me.
The love between epic girlfriends is special and beautiful. It is the unexpected esteem that comes from the women in our lives who choose, without having any mandatory obligation, to make the space for us in their hearts. It is the kind of love that transforms. The kind of love that heals. The kind of love that activates hope and shines a bright light in the darkest of times. I am thankful for you, my epic girlfriends (LaChiana, Ericka, Audrey, Keisha, Shannon, Brittany) and I hope this open love letter gives you some small idea of what your love has meant to me!

Feature photo by Kenzie Kate